Our very 1st assignment of VFX specialisation - Project "Baby Shot". Well, everything start from zero. My concept is - a statue came alive and add some simple animation on it. My fellow classmate and me spend half of the day on the taking live footages. We took almost total of 50 footages, but end up only 1~2 could match with our objective. Anyway, it's a good experience though.
So here are the footage i decided to use, spend half of day to done up the match moving with SynthEyes. Thanks to JD~!
And here are the roboter i'm going to put into the footage. My initial idea was a Gundam Exia but i'm not too familiar to animate in ONLY using attributes... so end up have to borrow this roboter.
Owner of roboter - Niklas Wennersten. Thanks for sharing out this rigged robot!
I really appretiate this.

By the way, this is my 1st time blogging too~!